Functional Testing is a Useful Tool
We’re excited about how far Functional Testing has come.
And we’re excited about how much it can offer our clients on their path to investigate their health and work towards health and wellness.
Examples of functional tests that we love are:
CDSA (complete digestive stool analysis) - showing the levels of the good bacteria, not so beneficial bacteria, parasites.
Iodine (1 in 3 people are low in this mineral, affecting thyroid hormone production)
Vaginal Microbiome (for those stubborn irritations that won’t resolve)
DUTCH Hormone Testing (to assist treatment through peri-menopause and menopause especially)
HTMA (hair tissue mineral analysis - provides information on the last 3 months, whereas blood results are a snapshot)
We use NutriPATH as our functional testing provider, and it’s a very easy process to follow.
Written by Amanda Roe-Hunter. Adv.Dip.Naturopathy.