Blood Test Interpretation for Wellness (not illness)

Our Naturopaths are trained to interpret your blood test results for wellness.

Naturopaths are problem solvers and investigators. We don’t want to treat our clients on a surface level. When we can uncover the root cause of a patients signs and symptoms then we can work on a treatment plan towards full wellness and health.

Being trained to treat based on a complete investigation using many questions exploring signs and symptoms is a wonderful thing. Traditional methods such as looking at the nails and the tongue can show a lot about the current health of the body such as how the digestion is going and any vitamin/mineral deficiencies. However, we love receiving your blood test results either at the initial consultation or emailed to us after. We often find that this backs up the treatment plan, and provides insights into current state of health. It is also a reference point to watch health improve, and be retested in 6 months to 1 year.

As an example - if a patient comes to us with fatigue as their main health issue - we investigate - is this person experiencing low iron, low B12, thyroid issues, is their body experiencing an infection (bacteria, viral, parasite). Medical treatment for hypothyroidism won’t be noticed for example until the TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) is above 4. Naturopaths would like to see TSH between 1-2 and will treat if over 2 using diet, herbs and co-factors such as Tyrosine, Iodine, Selenium and Zinc as well as addressing issues such as stress levels.

We are able to provide a report of our interpretations of your blood test results for wellness.

Written by Amanda Roe-Hunter. Adv.Dip.Naturopathy.


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