A Neuro-Affirming Space

Heals Health is a safe space for neurodiversity - with our Naturopaths experienced on a personal and professional level with supporting best health outcomes for different neurotypes. 

We understand the challenges faced in a world that isn’t set up for achieving the best health and supports for all people.

The following areas are what our Naturopaths focus on and specialise in.  We look at the whole person and how each system of the body is connected and affects other systems.  We treat symptoms but we also identify the cause/imbalance.  We also educate so that our clients can eventually continue in their lives with new found knowledge of how to better care for themselves and stay well.

Gut Health: Intestinal Permeability is a common thing that Naturopaths see and treat.  The effects such as the neuro-inflammation can exacerbate symptoms such as brain fog, ability to focus, energy levels, ability to feel happy & content, and have a great sleep.  These symptoms can be hard for all, but especially neurodiverse individuals.  Correcting the levels of beneficial bacteria/opportunistic bacteria, parasites, and healing that intestinal lining have positive effects on clarity of mind and ability to cope in the world.  It’s exciting that science and research is discovering the importance of this microbiome, that Naturopaths have known for a long time. 

Food Sensitivities & Requirements: Often neurodiverse individuals have more food sensitives and taking food such as gluten/dairy out of the diet can show big improvements and reduction in symptoms.  Steering clear of sugar, artificial food colouring, preservatives/additives and increasing protein & good fats are really important.

Stress Levels/Resilience: There are beautiful herbs that can be a great support to adrenals that often get overworked by the stress of being surrounded by overstimulation of noise, smells, crowds.  These herbs also help to regulate the nervous system, calming it down so as not to seek stimulation either, on the other side.  This allows better clarity in mind and focus which brings about a better sense of wellbeing and ability to cope with the stressors of the modern way of life.

Nutrition: Our Naturopaths are trained in the biochemistry of the body and what vitamins and minerals are needed for different body systems and best health outcomes.  We look for signs and symptoms of deficiencies, as well as recommending blood tests and analysing blood test results to make sure that your body has what it needs to feel calm, focussed, emotionally & mentally fulfilled, motivated with a good balance of energy, and ability to sleep well.

Supportive Products

It's best to have the guidance of a Naturopath who will know what supplements are right for you based on your deficiencies and symptoms, but in general we love:

·      Magnesium Glycinate

·      High Strength Fish Oils

·      Herbal Stress Support: Kava, Withania, Liquorice, Rehmannia

·      Specific Herbs such as Bacopa and Gingko

Investigations that may be recommended:

·      Gut Microbiome Testing

·      Heavy Metal Testing HTMA

Diet Investigations that area helpful

·      Regular protein intake

·      Enough essential fatty acids, healthy fats

·      Sugars, additives, preservatives

·      Food sensitivities, elimination diet may be needed

 Written by Amanda Roe-Hunter. Adv.Dip.Naturopathy.

Book an appointment to talk through how natural health can help you or your loved ones.


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